By Jeff Bergosh
A recent guest editorial and letter to the editor about OLF 8 contained strident opinions presented as facts and half-truths conflated with misstatements. Therefore, I feel obliged to add clarity to this important issue.
The OLF 8 acquisition, master planning, and marketing effort has been a 25-year evolution.
We’ve recently accepted an all-cash offer for OLF-8, allowing for the construction of restaurants, retail, a town-center, high-wage job areas, and other amenities for all Escambia taxpayers.
The bidder I favored–based upon better initially expressed intentions (Breland)—didn’t show up to the selection meeting held on April 6th. They were aware of the meeting and didn’t attend.
DR Horton, by contrast, attended the meeting, presented their plan, and modified their language indicating substantial compliance with the Board’s Master Plan. They’ll be teaming with Stirling Properties for the commercial/light industrial portions of the field, and they upped their offer significantly—to $42 Million Dollars ($7 Million more than Breland’s highest offer).
Also-Horton/Stirling’s plan indicates a piece of the parcel for potential sale to the school board for a Beulah High School if that board wants that. Breland’s rendering had no school site. Horton/Stirling’s plan also has a town center; the Breland “rendering” has no town center.
Breland’s plan indicates miniscule retail portions, a tiny portion for job creation (light industrial) and the entire balance of the land residential. Importantly: Breland’s plan didn’t reflect the master plan conformity they assured the board in their initial purchase offer.
The Horton/Stirling plan remains much more strongly aligned with the agreed upon master plan than does Breland’s—look at initial renderings, side by side, below. Judge for yourself
Breland’s Plan for OLF 8
Horton/Stirling’ Plan for OLF 8
(residential in green) (residential areas in yellow)
From the beginning of this acquisition process- as the county worked on creating high-paying, high tech jobs on OLF-8– I forcefully advocated against ANY residential on that field– a position with which most citizens in Beulah with whom I’ve spoken agree.
Pressure applied on the BCC by some area residents and a few politically connected special interests, however, pushed aside the original plan as solely a regional jobs generator.
That’s how we got here.
Over the next 60 days, we’ll hammer out an agreement that’ll result in between a $20-$27 million dollar “profit” for the taxpayers— proceeds that will be used county-wide to address legacy deficiencies in infrastructure and fund quality of life enhancements.
OLF 8 will also generate significant new property tax revenue for the county and the school board; this added revenue allows us to ensure FIRST RESPONDERS are paid competitive wages-assisting us with staffing challenges without raising property tax (millage) rates.
Therefore, I’d caution readers to always be wary in believing a few voices of discord who want you to believe they represent and speak for everyone.
Remember: these same voices have deftly transitioned and recalibrated their opposition as we’ve responsibly advanced this project. “They’ll never complete this land-swap!” naysayers first howled. “These commissioners are reckless—they’ll NEVER recoup this investment!” came next. Now it’s “Commissioners only care about the MONEY.”
It’s very rich how the goal posts move, the attacks change— but the faces of opposition remain the same.
We’ll never successfully hit the Goldilocks zone for these folks—where the porridge is “just right,” but we’ve tried. We engaged the community, compromised, and listened.
Now it’s time to act.
I’m upbeat, positive, and optimistic about the impending OLF8 sale/development.
With integrity and due consideration, we’ll close this deal to produce a huge win—-for everyone!
-Jeff Bergosh, Pensacola