Viewpoint from the so-called “powerful” who push for a replacement of the Langley Bell 4-H Camp

Got this email from a the concern citizen that wants a replacement for the 4-H Langley Bell Center. It is a response to Carlton Proctor’s PNJ article date on or about 5/19/13,” Feud on 4-H land swirls and editorial, Don’t change the 4-H deal”.

From the so-called “powerful” Escambia County Cattlemen, Farmers and special interest groups that continue to push for the replacement of the Langley Bell 4-H Camp.

In response to the Pensacola News Journal article, Fued on 4-H land swirls and editorial, Don’t change the 4-H deal.

Escambia County 4-Hers voted in favor to sell the Langley Bell 4-H Center because they know the best interest of Escambia County economic development. They didn’t vote to sell the land because they wanted it gone. It was to bring millions in construction and employment opportunities to their county.

We don’t want to change the 4-H deal or the memorandum of understanding. We have the best interest of the current and future 4-Hers in mind. We do have a gem in Escambia County of being one of the wealthiest counties in the state. We should think proactively for our future and spend a portion of the money for the kids to the replace the land they sold to better our county. You see countless articles about the economic development that the sale is going to bring, but then brushes the needs of 4-Hers under a rug.

The Task Force was formed per the MOU and it is only a fact finding body. The group is not allowed to make any recommendations for the best option.

We hear that the money needs to be spent on 4-H programs that involve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and away from agriculture. STEM is used daily in modern agriculture through how many seeds to plant and which and how much chemicals to use. We are not trying to take away something from 4-Hers but enhance their education.

Devin Bell, president of the Escambia County Council, during the time of the vote, encourage his member to vote for the sale. He stated in an email, “The MOU also states that $1.6 million from the sale will be set aside with the intent those funds could go toward new property and facilities. With a yes vote, there is the potential for bigger and better opportunities in the future.”

It’s heartbreaking to see adults are fighting against what the 4-Hers want and were led to believe. It’s pitiful that these adults are calling us bullies. We’re here for the kids. We’re here for the future of 4-H and we’re here to make sure these 4-Hers aren’t walked over.
