Rick's Blog

Visit Pensacola tabled until next week

The hoteliers delivered yesterday the bylaw, transition plan with the chamber and business plan for Visit Pensacola, the new “independent” corporation that they want to assume control of $5.5 million in tourism dollars for 2013-14, while the Escambia Board of County Commissioners were holding public forum before their regular meeting.

Literally, the commissioners had 15 minutes to scan the document before the regular commission meeting was called to order. The staff had to rush and make copies of the document for the public to review during the meeting. Fifteen minutes to approve the operations of an organization that wants to control $5.5 million–what County Attorney Alison Perdue called the largest single distribution to a single entity.

Fortunately Commissioners Lumon May, Steven Barry and Gene Valentino voted to table the issue until next week to give them, county staff and the public more time to review the documents.

The bylaws are the first document, other than last week’s Powerpoint presentation, that give any details on how Visit Pensacola will operate. We will publish them later today for your review.

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