Rick's Blog

VT MAE funding still unsecured, but project within timeline

Late Friday night, the mayor’s office sent out its latest “Upwords.”

Mayor Ashton Hayward said that Governor Scott’s veto of $3 million for Pensacola International Airport will not impact VT MAE, the proposed aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facility at Pensacola International Airport that promises to create at least 300 jobs.

Hayward said, “While I’m disappointed that the funding didn’t make it into this year’s budget, I’m grateful for the consideration the project received and I’m confident we will secure that funding at a later date.”

The city had counted on a $3 million grant from the FAA for the VT MAE project, but that request was denied. Mayor Hayward has been searching for other funds since March. Inweekly has been told that the issue may come up at the August meeting of the regional transportation authority.

What has been done to date on the VT MAE project? The city has completed selection processes and negotiated contracts for the project management, design, and construction manager at risk teams.

The environmental assessment is currently continuing on schedule, with completion projected for December of this year.

Hayward added, “As of today, we’re looking at the design phase kicking off next month and continuing through January 2016, at which time construction would begin. The project is currently projected to be completed in the first quarter of 2017.”

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