Rick's Blog

‘Wake Up White Man’ flyers dumped in Cordova Park

This weekend, residents in Cordova Park found a flyer tossed in their driveways. The flyer warned them that the white race was being replaced:  “Mass migration of 3rd World Black and Brown migrants into the White nations will rob our race of this security and lead to our extinction.”

It argued, “We are continuously bombarded with race mixing propaganda in TV commercials, news media, Hollywood’s filth and more. This combined with mass migration of colored people into White homelands is A PLAN TO DESTROY OUR RACE!!!”

The flyer stated the Great Replacement Theory’s goal is to create one “cappuccino colored race” and that Whites have an average IQ of 110 and Africans IQ of 65–“The elite want to create a single low IQ slave race worldwide.” However, Jews won’t be included according to the flyer.

The flyer was unsigned.  The Southern Poverty Law Center has the history behind the Great Replacement Theory.

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