Wake Up with Labor

In conjunction with statewide Awake the State rallies, local labor activists will gather tomorrow at state Representative Clay Ford’s local office.

The Northwest Florida Federation of Labor/Central Labor Council will lead the local Awake the State event. The rally will run from 4 to 5:30 p.m., at 1804 W. Garden St. in downtown Pensacola.

The Awake the State rallies coincide with the start of the state legislature’s new session. Labor representatives hope to stress their agenda—looking out for workers and their families—to lawmakers.

“Working families fought an incredible fight in the 2011 session,” said Northwest FL CLC President James Lingley in a statement. “We fought against a pro-corporate agenda backed by Governor Scott and his allies in legislature, and we fought hard and made some gains.”

Lingley said the Jan. 10 Awake the State rally is to let “Scott and Tallahassee politicians know we’re still here, we’ve grown as a movement that will continue fighting for working families …”
