Rick's Blog

Want a job building the stadium?

Press Release:
The Maritime Park project is providing job opportunities for the Pensacola area. Workers primarily in the construction trades are needed now, but once the park opens other jobs will open to help in the operations of the park. Below and attached is information about the Workforce Workshop being held Tuesday.

5:30 PM Tuesday, June 22 at East Pensacola Heights Community Center, 3208 E. Gonzalez St.

The Workforce Workshop will provide suggestions for how individuals may get involved in the project as construction workers and, once the park opens, as workers to help in the operations of the park and as operators of businesses in the park. If you’re interested in being a part of our team, attend this meeting for more details on education, training and the project overview.

To see if there is a place for you in the opportunities that the Maritime Park is providing, please attend the Workforce Workshop.

Maritime Park is creating opportunities for Pensacola. Don’t miss out! For more information, visit www.MaritimePark.us, call 850.432.8020 or email info@maritimepark.us.

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