Rick's Blog

We Are Perdido meeting agenda

Providing education and educational resources to the general public concerning the municipal incorporation of the Perdido, Florida community. Learning about the municipal incorporation process.


January 23, 2023
7-9 p.m.
Liberty Church, 2221 S Blue Angel Pkwy

  1. Welcome (Steven Brendtro, We Are Perdido)
  2. Florida Civics and Municipal Incorporation (Lynn Tipton, Florida League of Cities)
  3. Question & Answer, from Presubmitted Questions (Steven Brendtro and Lynn Tipton)
  4. Local Community Voices

    A. PastorBufordLipscomb,InnerarityIslandresident

    B. CraigDalton,PerdidoBayYouthSportsAssociation

  5. Introduction of the We Are Perdido Organization Board Members (Craig Dalton)
  6. Status Report (Steven Brendtro)
  7. Overview of Costs and Funding Sources (Steven Brendtro)
  8. Conclusion and Adjournment

We Are Perdido
10447 Sorrento Rd
Suite 100 PMB 200
Pensacola, FL 32507

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