Rick's Blog

Weaponizing religion

In this week’s issue, Jeremy reports on the FlashPoint Live event held in Brownsville last week and its connection to Christian nationalism – Selling Snake Oil in the Promised Land.

To better understand Christian nationalism, The Lincoln Project’s Chief of Staff Ryan Wiggins recommends reading “Jesus and John Wayne” by Kristin Kobes Du Pez.

“It is about how the evangelical movement started and how we ended up with this Christian nationalism mindset,” said Wiggins on WCOA on Thursday. “It goes against what this country was founded on. We were separating from the Church of England, and we wanted to be able to worship how we wanted it and where we wanted and who we wanted. (Christian nationalism) slides in the face of all of that.”

She believes that Christian nationalism is harming the religion and more. “It’s running people away from Christianity, and it’s poisoning our democracy.”

She later asked, “What would you do if this was Muslim nationalism? That is what is happening over in the Middle East…The exact same thing these Christian nationalists are trying to do to this country is what the Muslim nationalists are doing to Iran…Either way, it’s an afront to human rights. And it is not our place to decide what other people have to believe.”

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