Rick's Blog

Web helps you get that raise

I’m not sure how accurate the pay ranges are, but check the websites out and let me know what you think.

From the NY Times:

If information is power, then most employees who enter salary negotiations are holding pea shooters while the boss is encased in a Kevlar vest.

Unless someone left a spreadsheet of the company’s salaries on the copier (funny how often that does happen), most employees have precious little ammunition going into a meeting to talk about their pay.

A few Web sites try to level the playing field by providing more detailed information about salaries. Salary.com began revealing the results of salary surveys on its site in 1999. PayScale.com is now challenging it by gathering information directly from the people who search for data. (A third site, Payscroll.com, is testing a method of trolling job listings for salary information. It will be opened to the public this month or next.)

Read article: Your Money: Using the Web to Get the Boss to Pay More

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