Rick's Blog

Weekend Buzz: Scarborough reunion, Scott called and Bush in 2016

“I Was There!” Reunion
Joe Scarborough, former Congressman (R-Pensacola) and MSNBC host of “Morning Joe,” was in Pensacola this past weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his 1994 campaign. Fifty friends, family and supporters gathered at his parents’ home off of Scenic Highway to eat BBQ and swap stories of the Congressional campaign that launched the Republican revolution in Northwest Florida. Scarborough was the first Republican elected to Congress from the Florida Panhandle since 1873.

“I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” Scarborough, flanked by his four children, told the crowd. “I was the stupidest thing in the world to support me, but you made all the difference. It was a honor to serve you in Congress.”

Governor Rick Scott’s on the phone
Melanie Nichols, president of the North Hill Preservation Association got a surprise phone call last from Gov. Rick Scott. Nichols said the governor assured her that the Department of Corrections would not be moving into the old Coca-Cola building and thanked her for her work for her community.

“We are so grateful to the Governor for stepping in to help once he realized how close it was to a neighborhood, parks, and schools,” she told the Independent News.

On Saturday, North Hill residents held a Victory Celebration in Alabama Square.

Jeb gets ready to run in 2016
Joe Scarborough confirmed what we have been reporting for weeks. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is gearing up to make a run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Scarborough that his sources in Tallahassee said Bush’s supporters and the staff at his foundation are starting to talk like he is a candidate.

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