Welcome to the Jungle

With coastal locales eyeing Tropical Storm Isaac as it heads towards the Gulf of Mexico, the Pensacola City Council was interested in the city’s preparation efforts. Councilman Larry Johnson inquired about the matter during last night’s council meeting.

“The Escambia County EOC is actually following it,” City Administrator Bill Reynolds told him, adding that city officials were watching the storm’s progression. “It looks like if it does come here it’ll be a tropical storm.”

Later in the meeting, Councilwoman Maren DeWeese cautioned Reynolds. She told the administrator—who moved to Pensacola upon taking the city job—that a tropical storm could quickly escalate into a formidable hurricane.

“I just wanted to take a step back and welcome Mr. Reynolds to the jungle as far as hurricanes go,” DeWeese said.

Reynolds replied that he had experienced typhoons when living in the Pacific region.

As of Friday morning, Tropical Storm Isaac’s windspeed had hit 60 mph. The hurricane threshold is 74 mph. If the storm stays together after crossing Cuba, there’s a chance the Gulf Coast would be looking at a hurricane next week.
