What a second, Mayor Wiggins

This morning one odd thing about the City Council and the Wells Debacle hit me. Why didn’t Mayor Wiggins know about the emails prior to the Committee of the Whole? Councilwoman Maren DeWeese met with City Manager Al Coby and Rusty Wells on Friday morning. According to DeWeese, she told the pair that she would bring the emails to the council if they didn’t take action.

Why didn’t Coby discuss the issue with Mayor Wiggins prior to the council meeting? Wiggins is the mayor and chairs the meeting. Shouldn’t have Coby given him a “head up” that DeWeese might be bringing the emails forward?

A couple of the Council members–Sam Hall, in particular– didn’t seem to be surprised at the emails. Maybe the “stunned” reaction for some the members was more play-acting than real.

There isn’t that much to investigate. Mayor Wiggins should be able to report his findings on Thursday at the regular council meeting.
