Rick's Blog

What I learned after reading 38 SitReps

Inweekly requested every SitRep (situation report) created by the Escambia Emergency Operations Center since it was activated on March 17–a total of 38 reports.

The reports give daily updates on every Emergency Support Function (ESF), such as logistics, health & medical, transportation and volunteers & donations. The information is summarized and typically  remains on the report until something changes.

For example: ESF 17 Animals & Agriculture Issues has reported “USDA working with ECSD to continue to provide meals to children on free meal plan,” since March 17.​

The SitReps were done at least once daily –  often twice, morning and afternoon – for every day from Tuesday, March 17 through Monday, April 6. Then the reports stopped and didn’t resume until Saturday, April 11 (after the PNJ wrote an editorial criticizing the county for not releasing the SitReps to them).

Why the break?  We were told by the county communications office that Emergency Management director Eric Gilmore said that the SitReps were not compiled daily and only produced when there is a significant update to share with the Emergency Operations Center ESFs.

Clearly, the reports were compiled daily until Monday, April 6.

On Tuesday, April 7, Inweekly–which had a copy of the April 6 SitRep–began asking questions about the cases in the infected assisted living facilities (ALF). When we asked commissioners for the April 7 SitRep that evening, we were told they didn’t produce one that day.

Coincidence? Not hardly.

The daily SitReps didn’t have any references to long-term care facilities, nursing homes or ALFs until Tuesday, March 31:

3/31 a.m.: ESF­8 is a continuing Resource Requisition Request Form Missions and responding to the community. Working on ongoing contact with ALFs and Nursing Homes to ensure that social distancing, and PPE requirements.

4/1 a.m.: Same with this addition – Dottie Turner and Denise Weeks will be contacting ALFs and Nursing Homes daily.​

4/2 a.m.: Same with change -Work is ongoing with all Long Term Care (LTC) facility’s contacts to ensure that social distancing, and PPE requirements are being followed.​ Dottie Turner, Denise Weeks, and the ESF­8 Desk will be contacting all LTCs daily ­ reports will be forwarded to ESF­8.​ ­EMS will be making site visits to ensure they are following CDC recommended protocol.​

4/2 p.m.: Same with this addition – (ALF) reports will be forwarded to ESF­8.​

4/3 a.m.: Same with this addition – ESF­8 staff use the spreadsheet to enter in ReadyOps Long Term Care Facility Outreach Questionnaires. ​

4/3 p.m.: Same with this addition –Requested a Level II response team for an ALF that has been determined to be a high risk for an outbreak according to the Long Term Care Response Plan. The facility has 2 positive cases and 4 cases exhibiting respiratory symptoms. Steps 1­4 have already been followed from the LTC response plan and we are now on step 5. ​ Read: COVID-19 Escambia County SITREP 4-3-2020 PM

4/4: Same info about infected ALF.

4/5: Same info about infected ALF.

4/6: Same info about infected ALF.

The 4/11 SitRep dropped any mention of the ALF at “high risk for an outbreak.” Read COVID-19 Escambia SitRep 041120.

It’s difficult to trust a government that plays these types of games. We were promised transparency.

Our attorney has made other public record requests. We will share what they reveal about this pathetic cover-up.


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