What I learned on IN Your Head Radio yesterday

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Randall Lane: Forbes Magazine has a new app Stream. According to Lane, who is editor of Forbes, the app lets you clip and share content from the magazine.

Senator Greg Evers: His Warning Shot bill gives people the option to show their gun or fire a warning shot when they feel threatened. Much better than Stand Your Ground, in my opinion.

Rick Wilson: U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio isn’t out of contention for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016. He said the politician to watch in 2014 is House Speaker Will Weatherford.

Mary Kissel: (Wall St. Journal editorial board): Obamacare will remain the top political issue in 2014.

Andrew Rothfeder: If the Studers are able to build out their downtown Pensacola projects, Pensacola could see an injection of more than $100 million in capital investment, all from the private sector. More than ST Aerospace and Fish Hatchery.