What iPad, Mr. Childers?

During the hearing on June 28, County Clerk Pam Childers and her husband Bruce tried to get the judge to put Bruce the ballot so he could run against Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender.

The Childers made two visits to the SOE office, first to deliver the papers and signed the necessary oath to file so that Bruce could open a campaign account and write a check for the qualifying fee.

The second time was to deliver the check.

Bruce described how Pam pulled out her iPad during the first visit to show the first page of Form 6 on the device. Both Childers described how Sonya Daniel drew a square in the air, indicating she only needed to see the watermark on the iPad. Then, they went to the bank to open his campaign account.

The video below shows Pam and Bruce Childers’ first visit to the SOE office. Do you see Pam’s iPad?

In her oral findings given at the end of the hearing, Judge Jennifer Frydrychowicz said one of the reasons she denied the Childers’ motion was she found the video “compelling.”


