Rick's Blog

What is in the Sunday papers?

The Pensacola News Journal focuses on property taxes (Tax crisis hits home ) – an issue that no other major daily in the state is writing about in Florida today. It could be our daily is ahead of every major newspaper in the state ….or that far behind.

The St. Pete Times writes whether South Florida is truly ready for a major hurricane – using TS Barry as the barometer – in Just a little test: Were you ready?. The Miami Herald looks at its area’s housing crisis where thousands live in horrible conditions – Miami’s affordable housing program in crisis. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel writes on whether city oridinances can stop sex offenders in Offender fights Palm Beach County ordinance.

In the lesser state dailies: Orlando Sentinel writes on the Space Shuttle Atlantis: Aging shuttle Atlantis faces key test. Tampa Tribune tells of a mother’s battle with her runaway daughter: Running On Empty.

Jacksonville Florida Times Union writes on the difficulty of predicting hurricanes: Eye of the Storm. Sarasota’s Herald Tribune writes about the new condo law passed by the State legislature: New law alters condo landscape

No, most daily newspapers are using their Sunday editions for other stories. They covered the personal side of the property tax issue back in March and April. They either already analyzed the facts of the proposals of the special session or will do so in the weekday editions.

Affordable housing, Condo laws or even fire protection in Escambia County would be good topics for the PNJ.

Here is the INweekly daily summary: SunDaily Dose

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