Rick's Blog

What local voters think – some surprises

The College Democrats conducted a telephone survey between April 3-8. They polled 581 registered voters from Escambia (54%), Santa Rosa (33%) and Okaloosa (13%).

Do you feel the country is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?
Right direction: 21% Wrong direction: 77% Not sure: 2%

What is the top issue for you as we head towards Election Day?
The Economy: 58% Healthcare: 24% War in Iraq: 18%

Do you approve the job that Congress is doing?
Yes 21% No 77% Not Sure 2%

Can you name your Congressional representative in Washington?
Jeff Miller 21% Joe Scarborough 11% No/Not Sure 68%

Are you satisfied with the current choices for President?
Yes 68% No 29% Not Sure 2%

Of the following names, please indicate if you recognize the individual:
James Bryan Yes: 4%
Jewel Cannada-Wynn: 52%
Greg Evers: 61%
Clay Ford: 40%
Ray Guilory: 6%
Dave Murzin: 81%
Lawrence Powell: 33%
DeeDee Ritchie: 88%
Joe Roberts: 76%
Quint Studer: 83%
Marie Young: 68%

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