Rick's Blog

Where Sheriff Simmons wants Beulah substation

This morning, on “Real News with Rick Outzen,” Sheriff Chip Simmons discussed where he would like to have a Beulah substation.

“We have a substation on Hood Drive up there in Ensley, but Beulah is quite a distance from there, especially the way traffic is getting and all the growth in Beulah,” the sheriff said. “I did have a conversation with Commissioner Bergosh. A good place we agreed is in front of the equestrian center. There’s a grass area with good access to a Mobile Highway.”

However, he added that he is open to placing it wherever the county commission finds a spot. “I’m hoping to eventually have that conversation with Commissioner Stroberger and let him know what our needs are. Hopefully, we can continue to have a good dialogue with the county commissioner in that district.”

Sheriff Simmons wants the Beulah substation to become a community spot. “Our precinct over in Warrington, I told the homeowners associations there that they can use that building. We have a rather large space to meet. And if they can’t find a church to meet, well then, we are available.”

He continued, “I would love to make a substation in Beulah big enough to where we can host a homeowner association, or any kind of meeting for that matter, at the precinct; I think that’s great because that’s part of making Escambia County Sheriff’s Office part of the community.”

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