Rick's Blog

Whites less likely to test positive for COVID

Whites in Escambia County are less likely to contract COVID-19 and require hospitalization.  And the disparity may explain why most of those fighting face masks, social distancing and other  CDC guidelines are white.

Using the latest FDOH data and the 2019 US Census estimates, Blacks are 1.7 times more likely than their White counterparts to contract the virus. Other races are five times more likely.

When it comes to hospitalizations, Blacks are a little over three times (3.36) likely to require hospital care. Other races are on par with their White neighbors.

Death is spread evenly over demographic groups.

The CDC explains the disparity thus: “Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some members of racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing severe illness, regardless of age.”

We have had numerous reports about poverty and the lack of access to health care in our minority communities. The disparity in how the virus is spread may validate those studies.

Cases Per 1000
White 1165 5.3
Black 682 9.2
Other * 660 26.6
Hospitalization Per 1000
White 48 0.22
Black 55 0.74
Other * 7 0.28
Deaths Per 1000
White 31 0.141
Black 12 0.162
Other * 4 0.161

*Other includes those where FDOH reported race as unknown

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