Who is Will Waspo?

On pnj.com – Studer-hater posted this diatribe about the park and Studer:

Nobody attends the games now at the Pelicant’s home at swampy UWF. This is the biggest scam ever attempted to rob our pockets and just goes to show what a crook Studer is, he obviously became mega-rich by thievery and deception! To anyone following this mess from the beginning, the scam is obvious here how it works:

One: Float pie-in-the-sky dream proposal for ballpark and museum.
Two: Lie through teeth when SOC gets referendum
Three: Deceive voters into approving scam
Four: Studer gets buddy Doc Strand to file against proposal in court

And then Studer buys court, gets decision forcing county-wide vote which we all know will lose. Guess what? Studer now legally owns a 99-year lease on the property at ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. He will now put up obscenely expensive condos, built with taco-labor and shoddy materials, make hundreds of millions in profits and slip out of town.

Stop the Scam! Demand a fully grand jury investigation into Studer and lock the crook up for good!

Here are the facts:

Pensacola Pelicans had a record attendance this year. Pelicans shattered last season’s total attendance mark (76,500), previously the highest in club history, attracting 92,466 fans in 2007. The team set a single-game, club attendance record on June 24, attracting 6,238 against Sioux Falls.

The Community Maritime Park concept was a joint proposal made by Quint Studer, Adm. Jack Fetterman and UWF president John Cavanaugh. Dozens of public meetings were held and hundreds of thousands were spent developing the basic concept that the city voters approved. This is no “pie-in-the-sky” dream – it’s a well-researched proposal using experts from all over the country.

We’ve repeatedly proved the misrepresentations were made by SOC, not the Friends of the Waterfront Park, during the referendum campaign. To make such a statement, Will WASPO is calling liars – Quint Studer, Buzz Ritchie, Mort O’Sullivan, Judge Lacey Collier, Vince Whibbs Sr., Jack and Nancy Fetterman, the entire Pensacola City Council, Dr. John Cavanaugh, Bob Kerrigan, Bob Hart and hundreds of others who openly supported the park. Of course, he doesn’t say what the lies were.

Strand and Studer buddies? No proof. No sense in even tying these two together.

Also Studer doesn’t have the land for a $1 per year lease. The Community Maritime Park Associates does. Studer helped appoint the original board, but has no vote on any decisions by the CMPA – which is a quasi-city board that must have all its contracts approved by the Pensacola City Council. Studer must lease the stadium. He will pay the same fair market value as other builders to lease the land for his office building which he pays to build – about $12 million.

Everything must be built to code and the design specs that were discussed at last night’s CMPA meeting. No shoddy work is possible.

Quint Studer will not make millions on the CMP development – unless some day he can sell the office building for more than $12 million. And remember all profits from the team are pledged to the city/CMPA.

I challenge anyone to prove that Studer is getting rich from the CMP project. Give us the facts that you think a grand jury should investigate, Will Waspo.