Rick's Blog

Who supports Amendment 1?

According to Florida Division of Elections

Major contributors to Yes On 1, which supports the amendment

Florida Association of Realtors: $1 million

Florida Power & Light Co.: $500,000

Ashbritt, environmental services co. in Pompano Beach: $125,000

Dwight Schar, Palm Beach homebuilder: $100,000

Florida Chamber of Commerce: $100,000

TECO Energy (Tampa): $50,000

Florida Homebuilders Association: $50,000

Florida Medical Association: $50,000

Foley Timber and Land Co. (Perry): $50,000

Major contributors to Florida is Our Home, which opposes the amendment

The Florida Public Education Defense Fund: $391,000

Service Employees International Union: $200,000

Florida Professional Firefighters: $100,000

Assoc. of Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees: $100,000

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