Rick's Blog

Why Access Escambia?

Why is there an organization like Access Escambia?

Because no Escambia County commissioner has been willing to address the declining health of this community and the rising numbers of poor and uninsured for over 15 years.

The 2006 report by the Partnership for a Healthy Community showed that the overall health of this community has fallen below state and national averages in many critical areas – infant mortality being one of them.

However, no commission candidate made it an issue in 2006 elections. When Dr. John Lanza (Escambia Co. Health Dept.) asked the county commission for more money for the public health department. He was denied – even though the county had a huge revenue increase.

County government has ignored public health and the health of its citizens for years. The hospitals, healthcare community and the Chamber have been forced to come up with solutions, because those elected to office refuse to address it. County staff isn’t going to push the issue either.
New code enforcement officers, microwave towers and pay raises for staff are more important than saving lives.

Dead babies don’t complain, don’t vote and don’t write campaign checks.

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