Why be upset about Halcorp contributions

Halcorp did nothing wrong by contributing $5,500 towards Pensacola City Council campaigns and another $1,000 to the We Vote PAC. It’s a wise investment for them in people and organizations that it believes will approve and support its efforts to amendment its lease at the Port of Pensacola.

However, I do question the City Council taking the contributions from an out-of-state entity that has only one issue and that issue is on the council agenda less than two weeks after the election. They should have returned the checks.

I question the City Council taking contributions from an entity that has been given an exclusive on 10 acres at the Port without any RFP ever being issued to allow others to propose alternative uses.

I question City Council taking contributions from an entity whose request is in opposition to the Council’s 2007 Goals.

I also question We Vote PAC taking nearly 90 percent of its contributions from a sitting City Councilman (Sam Hall) that it endorsed and an out-of-state corporation. The “We” of We Vote should be significantly more that Hall and Halcorp.

None of this is illegal, but it shows why change is so hard to come by in Pensacola.
