Women’s Civic Forum presents review of 2009 Pensacola City Charter May 7

Press Release:
In November 2009 City of Pensacola voters approved the adoption of a new city charter establishing a mayor-council form of government. In January 2011 the new government, in the person of an executive mayor, took office.

Former City Councilmember Maren DeWeese, the first council president elected by her peers under the new charter, will offer a before and after analysis of the charter for the Women’s Civic Forum on Thursday, May 7. DeWeese will talk about the promises, hopes, and understandings that led to the charter referendum, analyze the implementation of the charter, and offer her assessment of where the new charter as implemented has fulfilled expectations and where it has not.

The forum will be held in the meeting facility of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition at 40 South Alcaniz Street in downtown Pensacola. Doors open at 11:45 a.m. and the program will begin at noon. The event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required and may be made by leaving a message at 850-438-0207.

The mission of the Women’s Civic Forum is to inform and engage women in the greater Pensacola area on current local issues and to provide a means of connecting women with others who have civic interests. Forum programs are offered five or six times a year.