Rick's Blog

Workshop: Council CAO could cost big bucks

The proposed administrator for the Pensacola City Council —not the City CAO as established by the charter—appears to have been narrowed to two candidates. The requested salaries are between $91,000 to $130,000.

Remember the mayor only makes $100K.

The train has left on this idea, according to what I’m seeing at the meeting. Looks like Pensacola is headed towards dual city administrators and dual staffs– Mayor vs. Council.

Councilman Larry Johnson is questioning the salaries. Jerralds appears to agree, Others are dancing around the issue. P.C. Wu says he did research on the mayor’s salary. “In Mobile, there are a whole ton of people in the city that make more than the mayor,” said Wu.

Myers wants it should be based on budget and to be salary to attract a highly qualified person. “I’m not concerned about what the mayor’s salary is.

On August 8, the Council will bring in the two candidates prior to the Committee of the Whole meeting. Council president DeWeese recommended that the council split the difference about $110K-$115K. Pratt supports a range. Spencer doesn’t want to set a minimum. Wu wants research done, but compares the salary to that of at city manager and has no problem of it going to $130K. Townsend talked about relocation expenses, living expenses. The subcommittee will work out details and give recommendations to the council.

The discussion took 45 minutes.

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