Wyche legacy hurts

John Wyche has been convicted of racketeering and unlawful financial transactions. Over $750,000 intended to help the poor in Escambia County was diverted to his personal use. This comes on the heals of Darnell Sims being charged with aggravated white collar crime and fraud of stealing $65,000 (He has since asked to reverse his guilty plea since he has been able to repay the money) and Thelma Manley being convicted of four counts of grand theft and one count of racketeering. Manley took $164,000 in travel payments, grant funds, corporate donations and extra pay from nonprofits and government agencies over a five-year period without her board’s approval.

Nearly a million dollars intended to help the community was diverted for personal uses. Also damaged was the reputation of other non-profits trying to do good in the community. Though not involved, they will have to be even more transparent in the finances.
