Yes for 3 names local leadership team

Voters in Charge, the political committee sponsoring the “Yes on 3” campaign,yesterday announced its Florida Panhandle leadership committee, which will be chaired by Collier Merrill and Jerry Maygarden. The other committee members from Escambia County include Sheriff David Morgan, State Rep. Clay Ingram and Mayor Ashton Hayward.

Amendment 3 ensures that Florida voters shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling in the State of Florida. Recent polling shows that more than 70 percent of Florida voters support this amendment. Amendment 3 enjoys bipartisan support and has been endorsed by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida League of Women Voters, and the Florida Conference of the NAACP, among others.

“We are thrilled to have the support of so many pillars of the community for this important amendment,” said Voters in Charge Chairman John Sowinski. “For most of our lifetimes, decisions about casino gambling were left up to the voters. It is past time to return that right to Floridians and take it away from politicians and special interest groups in Tallahassee.”

For more information about the Yes on 3 campaign, visit
