Rick's Blog

Young Dems to meet


Contact: Bruce Yates

Cell: 850-384-4361

Email: catsailor1@bellsouth.net


The first Young Democrats of Northwest Florida gathering is set for Wednesday March 14th at 6:30 PM at the Gulf Breeze Recreation Center, 800 Shoreline Dr., Gulf Breeze. All 16 to 39 year old individuals interested in changing our local and national leadership are invited to this free pizza dinner and discussion.

Young voters turned out in record numbers during the 2006 election cycle and first-time voters helped the Democrats win the majority in both houses of Congress. Now, we’re going to take back the White House! A better future awaits us all if we get involved.

With Democratic momentum building throughout the nation, Young Democrats of Northwest Florida will create a platform of issues important to our generation. Some of the priorities for our age group include job opportunities, low salaries, high-cost of housing, college tuition, affordable health care, military recruitment techniques, our environment and the war in Iraq. Later this year we’ll vote to support a presidential candidate. After electing our representatives, we’ll make our positions known locally and at national conventions. This is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard. Voter registration applications and address change forms will be available.

“When young voters turn out in mass, politicians will no longer be able to ignore us” said Bruce Yates, Spokesperson for the Young Democrats of Northwest Florida. Come and meet those of us who want to have our voices heard and are now ready to lead.

If you would like more information about this event, contact Bruce Yates

at 850-384-4361 or e-mail catsailor1@bellsouth.net.

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