Rick's Blog

Zoom: How to get environmental projects done [podcast]

Environmental projects implemented by Florida’s cities and counties require funding to get done. Learn the basics of how municipal budgets work in Florida, and how you can work to get environmental projects funded in your community, whether it’s tree plantings and habitat restoration, stormwater facilities, renewable energy or bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

The municipal budget for the City of Pensacola will be used as an example, with a focus on various energy and infrastructure expenditures that relate to clean air and water and better public health. Since municipal budgets in Florida have similar structures and funding sources, this example offers lessons for any of Florida’s cities and counties.

Event presenters are two Pensacola residents and advocates– Kelly Hagen, a member of the City’s Environmental Advisory Board, and Christian Wagley of Healthy Gulf. Kelly is president of the Sanders Beach Neighborhood Association and leads a group of neighborhood association leaders across Pensacola. Christian engages with people and communities along the Florida Gulf coast on issues such as water pollution, offshore drilling, climate change and renewable energy.

An event page with more information is available on the Healthy Gulf Facebook page.

What: Getting environmental projects done in your community

Where: online through Zoom, please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkf-uprz8pEtAW91hQSWBH-lL-VA1qdA3R

When: 7 p.m., Tuesday Aug. 2

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