BP Gulf Coast Claims Facility halts payments

This notice is on the GCCF website:

In an Order and Reasons of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, dated December 28, 2011, the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (“GCCF”) has been ordered to withhold 6% of any and all amounts determined to be paid to eligible GCCF claimants to be deposited into a Court supervised Escrow Account. The purpose of the Escrow Account will be to establish a fund from which common benefit litigation fees and expenses may be paid to the Plaintiff Steering Committee and other lead or liaison plaintiff counsel if and when awarded by the Court. The GCCF seeks clarification of the Court’s Order. Accordingly, until such clarification is received from the Court, the GCCF will halt any and all payments to be made to eligible claimants, effective December 30, 2011.
