Studers have no plans to bid on Bruce Beach

Two weeks ago, Inweekly dispelled the rumor that an African-American heritage museum was going to be built at Bruce Beach as part of the fish hatchery project (“Bruce Beach’s Place in History“). We confirmed that four historic markers are to be erected at the cost of $2,000 each, but the site does not have the room for both a museum and hatchery. Only one of the markers will be specifically dedicated to the African-American history (see note).

Another rumor that has been circulated is the Studers, who own the former ECUA site across the street, want to buy the land to build condos. Inweekly contacted Quint Studer.

He said, “We’ve never built a condo project.”

Studer went further. He said he isn’t interested in the waterfront property for any project and has made that known to Mayor Ashton Hayward.

He shared the email below that he sent to Mayor Hayward last week. Studer made it clear he has no plans for Bruce Beach if it were to become available in the Request for Proposal process:

From: Quint Studer <>
Date: January 29, 2018 at 12:09:29 PM CST
To: Ashton Hayward <>

Subject: Bruce Beach

Hope all well with you and your effort to look for an alternative spot for the hatchery. When someone with Jerry Pates knowledge and experience feels that Bruce Beach is not the right spot for the hatchery it speaks volumes. I have great respect for his knowledge and love for the community.

I want to share I have no plans for any of the land that should be made available in the rfp process at this time regarding Bruce Beach. I feel if I did someone could spin that I am against current hatchery location so I could get the land. Not true.

However when we do move forward on projects I feel we do a good job with quality and local participation. So some may even be disappointed we have no plans.
My best.

Quint Studer
Founder, Studer Community Institute |

Note: The four signs planned for Bruce Beach will detail four different angles of history:

  • Environmental changes on the site, such as the covering over of Washerwoman’s Creek;
  • History of the Tanyard Neighborhood;
  • For use by African-American community – most likely focus on Beach Beach being a segregated swimming area; and
  • The site’s use as a dry dock.