Size matters at post office

Price of stamps increase today to 41 cents. The Sun-Sentinel points out in this article that the shape and size of a package also matter….

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No single black leader

Whenever I read a column by the daily newspaper’s executive editor, Dick Schneider, I’m reminded of the SNL character Stuart Smalley – “I’m Good Enough,…

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One more time

I’ve had to step in and moderate more comments than usual lately. I want to remind those who choose to comment on this blog that…

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Welfare isn’t the problem

I’ve read most of the comments on the Access Escambia. For some this initiative is an opportunity to voice opposition to welfare. Gang, Escambia County…

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FriDaily Dose Chickens displease the city, buy a FEMA trailer, a night at the diamond is more fun than just baseball. And there’s a new…

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What is a liberal?

Last week, we had an open thread on what is a conservative. It’s only fair we do the same for the liberal side.

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Gates says reading will go online

Gates predictions “Reading is going to go completely online. We believe that as we get the smaller form factor, the screen has gotten good enough….

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Baptist call out Crist

The Florida Baptist aren’t happy with Gov. Charlie Crist’s efforts to expand gambling in the state. There is an editorial in Florida Baptist Witness attacking…

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All in the family

The new ambulance provider for Santa Rosa County is Lifeguard Services, owned by John and Deborah Roche. Tom Roche, John’s father, worked for Santa Rosa…

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Jim Paul’s father passes away

The father of Escambia School Superintendent Jim Paul has passed away. A memorial service will be held for Elmer Paul on Saturday, May 12, 10…

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Four Penny Opera

The February 17, 2000 issue of the Independent was devoted to the additional penny being added to the bed tax – the tax added on…

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IN Your Face TV: Access Escambia

IN Your Face TV: Access Escambia My interview with Jim McClellan on the uninsured health care crisis in Escambia County.

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