350 Pensacola: Best approaches to communicate about climate change

hands across the sand
Chamblin’s talk addresses the best approaches to communicating about climate change.

What: “Public Opinion, Politics, and the Challenge of Communicating Climate Change,” a Talk by Larry Chamblin
Where: Bayview Senior Resource Center, 2000 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola
When: Tuesday, July 8 • 7–8:30 p.m.

350 Pensacola hosts “Public Opinion, Politics, and the Challenge of Communicating Climate Change,” a talk by local climate activist Larry Chamblin. Chamblin brings together his years of research on differing perceptions of climate change to share his thoughts on how to communicate more effectively as a means to spur action.

Scientists agree that climate change is happening now, that it is caused by human activities, and that it poses a significant risk to the planet in the coming decades.

“Considering the scientific consensus and the risk we face if we do not act soon, it is troubling that we cannot agree on the kind of action needed to tackle this problem,” states Chamblin.

Scientists and others who try to communicate about climate change and its risks face opposition from many quarters. People reject the science because they fear the solutions to climate change will restrict the free market and oil company profits. Some believe that humans do not have the ability to alter God’s creation. Others are simply confused about conflicting messages from climate action advocates and from those who profit from continuing business as usual.

Research on the best approaches to communicating climate change emphasize the need for positive messages about a bright green future if we take significant action now. Absent such action, climate scientists warn of dire consequences, including such impacts as rising seas and stronger storms that make Florida among the most vulnerable states. But people are not motivated to accept the science or to act when presented “gloom and doom” scenarios.

The challenge of communicating about climate change grows in importance each day. In his talk, Chamblin will focus on this critical communication so that our words may inspire real solutions to the climate crisis.

The presentation is one in a series addressing environmental issues presented throughout the year by 350 Pensacola. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 850-572-7230 or email 350pensacola@gmail.com.
