350 Pensacola: What are legal and policy responses to climate change

Press release: Florida’s coastline is slowly drowning as a warming planet pushes seas higher, and all levels of government are taking steps to plan for and adapt to the rising seas. Join attorney Erin Deady as she guides us through the latest regulatory, policy and legal context of sea level rise planning at the Federal, State and local levels.

Ms. Deady will discuss new growth management legislation related to planning for future flood risk and sea level rise, as well as new case law related to liability and climate related planning and decisions. Case studies from Florida will be used to illustrate key points, including an overview of tools and approaches available to local governments to begin the planning process related to climate change and sea level rise.

Erin Deady, P.A. specializes in sustainability, climate, environmental, land use, and water law and securing grants for clients. Her areas of practice include development and regulatory issues, Gulf of Mexico & Everglades Restoration, code development and all types of land use issues as well as Federal and state litigation on energy, water resources management and environmental regulatory matters. She holds a BA from the University of Miami, MPA from Florida Atlantic University, and JD from Nova Southeastern University.

The presentation is part of a monthly speaker series on climate change sponsored by 350 Pensacola.

What: The Sea is Rising: Legal and Policy Responses From Around Florida

Where: Bayview Senior Center, 2000 E Lloyd St, Pensacola

When: Tuesday, September 8, 7 pm