Too much to think: Men died

I keep thinking about the families and friends of Blair Manuel and the other 10 men killed in April 20 explosion at Deepwater Horizon. They are learning that BP execs had determined what is the acceptable loss of life in its construction and safety decisions. They read articles on how the regulators were on drugs, partying and seeking job offers from those that they were regulating. Every revelation has to be another dagger in their hearts.

When BP public relations machine first came into our community, they began every prepared statement with “hearts go out to those who died in this tragic accident.” Bull#$%, these men were killed because profits were placed before safety and regulators turned their backs on those they were sworn to protect.

So don’t tell me that the Pensacola City Council was too harsh on Liz Castro at the May 24 Committee of the Whole. No one has been harsh enough on BP yet. Men died! Needlessly. Castro and her bosses need to feel more than a little discomfort or embarrassment.

No, Castro didn’t kill these men, but she represents those that did. Her fame, glory and pay are built on her representing BP….so she must also be the local point of our rancor. She can’t have it any other way. If she is the voice of BP, she must all be its ears and hear our anger and frustration.

Remember 11 men died.
