Sand mystery solved somewhat

According to Buck Lee who spoke with my investigator, no sand has been brought onto island. What was brought today was bohemian rock which looks like sand. This material is used to sit heavy equipment on. Like the front loaders used for the clean up. It will be removed eventually. The rock was ordered by the contractor, but without the approval of local officials, as far as we can tell.

We did get this email from County Commissioner Grover Robinson:

We are trying to get a handle on this as well. Keith and I noticed sand on the beach yesterday that did not match our specs. Keith is going to check it out.

I conversations I had with Joy this morning she believes there is contaminated sand that has product removed that is supposed to back to the beach. This could be what is happening.

However if the sand does not match our spec, I do not want it back.

Keith, can you have someone on you staff get with Buck’s staff to figure out what is happening? If what is said above is happening, we need to change if sand not meeting our specs. I understand we are trying to keep from losing sand but this is not what we want.



It was this email from Robinson that prompted Buck Lee to have Bob Lee check with the contractor.

Kim Carmichael sent me these photos taken near the gate at Fort Pickens:
