Will Grand Jury investigate MPDP?

Yesterday, we broke the news on this blog that Maritime Park Development Partners filed suit against Community Maritime Park Associates. The lawsuit was expected after the CMPA board evoked a clause in its contract with MPDP that allowed it to terminate MPDP’s role as project coordinator for the construction of the public section of the maritime park.

MPDP has no one on staff that has a general contractor’s license. The construction coordination is being handled instead by Magi Construction. The CMPA executive director, attorney and onwer’s representative felt CMPA was paying twice for the same service. The CMPA board agreed and terminated that portion of its contract with MPDP.

I found in my investigation that MPDP isn’t the company that CMPA, City and taxpayers were told when it was awarded the development contract. Scott Davison told the CMPA board in writing and in his presentation that MPDP would be owned by his company, Land Capital and Brass/Magi Real Estate. Land Capital apparently doesn’t exist any longer, it definitely is not a partner in MPDP…neither is Brass/Magi.

There is also the question whether Scott Davison and Land Capital even qualified to bid on the work at the maritime park. We have one person who Davison listed as a member of his team, Michael Buckley, who states he never agreed to be part of Davison’s original development team.

Then there is problem with the monies paid under the “soft costs” of the development agreement. Target Group has been paid $30K. In the MPDP proposal, Target was to handle the minority inclusion. Other expenses don’t appear to have much value to project, such as thousands being paid to manage a Facebook page and website.

State Attorney Bill Eddins needs to get involved. Maybe there are valid explanations for all this, but we need someone with subpoena power to ask the questions.