Jeff Bergosh retrospective (Godzilla audio)

Here is the audio of Jeff Bergosh when he admitted in 2007 that he was the “Godzilla” (135 posts on the PNJ website) and he defends why he didn’t do anything wrong. He attacks the PNJ for exposing him. He likes his free speech, not others. He admits to lying to Ronnie Arnold and the PNJ that he was not Godzilla. It takes nearly nine minutes for me to get him to admit that he was Godzilla. He talks about Godzilla in the third person. It is hilarious. Listen.

Here is a copy of his statement.

Escambia County School Board member Jeff Bergosh has a history of being upset with the IN. In 2008, he was upset when we asked more citizens to consider running for the board (Bergosh takes on Outtakes).

A couple months earlier we suspected that he was back on the PNJ forums under the name “King Richard” (Is Bergosh back on PNJ?)….King Richard vanished shortly after our post.
