FCAT scores are in for third graders


Escambia County – Math scores are up 1%; Reading down 4%

Santa Rosa County – highest reading scores in the state; tied for second highest for math.

Our favorite inner-city school – Hallmark Elementary – did fantastic!

Reading score: 71 —in 2005 41, in 2006 50 —31 point jump in two years.

Math score: 63  —in 2005 29, in 2006 48 —34 point jump in two years.

We wrote about Hallmark in our Left Behind Series last August: Left Behind Part 3: Education

The story opened with these sentences:

Before it can began teaching its students the three R’s, Hallmark Elementary teachers must first attend to the other basics—food, clothes and behavior. The century-old, inner-city school is one of the poorest in the Escambia County School District and 97 percent minority. But the new motto is “Success is the only option!”
