Amazing insights into Libya battles

I’ve been following the rebel battles in Tripoli via Al Jazzera and Twitter. Al Jazzera has a live blog from its correspondents. Power and communications lines have been cut by government forces, but social media is broadcasting over cell (satellite) phones. The best Twitter feeds is with tag #tripoli.

Libya’s official television Al-Jamahiriya went off the air on Monday afternoon, correspondents said, amid unconfirmed reports that rebels had seized the state broadcaster.

Al-Jamahiriya stopped broadcasting at around 14:00 GMT, with television screens suddenly turning black. Minutes later the network’s logo appeared at the bottom right of the screen with no picture or sound transmitted.

Libyan opposition websites said rebels, who have taken large swathes of Tripoli where they control several neighbourhoods, seized the headquarters of the television.

According to the blog, Gaddafi’s snipers are scattered across Tripoli, the Libyan capital. Even areas that are under opposition control are not yet fully secure. While Gaddafi’s forces have withdrawn from most areas, sleeper cells have not.