Archaeology Camp

Blast summer boredom away, and join us for Pensacola’s History and Archaeology Camp! This summer, the University of West Florida (UWF) is offering history and archaeology summer camps for students in upcoming 4th through 9th grades. Instructors for these camps include staff from the Florida Public Archaeology Network and West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc.

Pensacola’s History and Archaeology Camp is a one-week social studies enrichment camp located in the Historic Pensacola Village. Campers will experience Pensacola’s unique heritage through hands-on learning, crafts and activities, museum visits and tours.  Throughout camp, students will apply reading, writing, science, math and reasoning skills in fun real-world applications. All instruction and student learning outcomes are based upon Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.

Camp dates for summer 2012 are as follows:

  • June 14-18, upcoming 4th-6th graders
  • July 12-18, upcoming 7th-9th graders
  • Both camps are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For more information or to enroll, please call the UWF Continuing Education Student Support Center at 473-7468 or visit
