Bare responds to Hayward

From: Charles Bare
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 5:19 PM
To: Ashton Hayward
Subject: RE: YMCA Lease

Mr. Mayor:

I strongly encourage you to go back and watch the video of the committee of the whole meeting during which Councilwoman Pratt made her motion and explained that “the CMPA can redline the whole thing out and start afresh if that’s what they need to do.” I believe that the CMPA acted accordingly as our agent and as the lease holder for the property at the maritime park. I respect their decision and look forward to their report back to us once a workable lease for parcels 5 or 6 is reached.

If this process had followed the proper procedure, the CMPA acting as our agent (and not the Mayor’s office) would have brought us a lease. You are directly responsible for the failure of this process. I look forward to working with the CMPA to identify a proper procedure to avoid such embarrassing situations like this in the future.

Charles Bare
Pensacola City Council, At-Large B

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