Sheriff Morgan wants Valentino to recuse himself and give depostion on statements re:detention staff

Sheriff David Morgan has requested that Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino recuse himself from the Department of Justice Working Group based on the commission chairman’s disparaging remarks regarding the deputies and staff at the Escambia County Jail.

In a letter to the District 2 commissioner, the sheriff wrote, “For you or I to attempt to deflect our responsibilities by name calling, finger pointing and nitpicking managerial capabilities (or lack thereof) is an area I strongly encourage you not to venture into.”

In an interview with WEAR 3 on May 29, Valentino said, “I’ve got reports coming back to me that some are sitting there playing computer games on their laptops and not even addressing prisoners. Let’s talk about those things first before you ask me for money.”

Sheriff Morgan wrote that such behavior would be a third degree felony and that he has opened a criminal investigation based on Valentino’s statements as a material witness. The commissioner will be asked to speak with an investigator under oath about his allegations.

Read Valentino Letter.