Homeless Task Force presents recommendations next week

Robert Marbut will present next Monday to the Pensacola City Council the recommendations of the Task Force on Improving Human Services, which has been studying the city’s approach to dealing with its homeless population.

Marbut will present five recommendations for consideration. It’s unknown whether Mayor Ashton Hayward will take a position on them prior to the council’s workshop.


1. Move from a Culture of Enablement to a Culture of Engagement. Redirect community from giving handouts to homeless to giving food and donations to “high performing” agencies that increase “street graduation” rates.

2. Transform Home Management Information Service (HMIS) from a “Score Keeper Model” to a “Proactive Case Management Tool.” Promote universal agency participation in HMIS.

3. Increase the number of emergency housing units for families-with-children. Loaves & Fishes has three-week program cycle, eight-weeks are best practice nationally. Need a fundraising campaign to add 37 more units.

4. Establish a true 24/7 “Come-as-you-are” service center at Waterfront Rescue Mission It will be the “main intake portal” for homeless adults within Escambia County and city of Pensacola. It will be the location for the Master Case Managers for adults.

5. Repeal Sections 8-1-22, 8-1-23 and 8-1-24 of the Code of the City of Pensacola. These laws would likely not withstand legal challenges. The ordinances can be revisited after Recommendations 3 and 4 are implemented.

Read Agenda and Report: here
