Boone report: No cuts at IP or Solutia expected

By IN reporter Sean Boone

Although the struggling economy has created a trend of corporate employee layoffs nationwide, the two largest corporate plant facilities in Escambia County–International Paper and Solutia–are not expecting to cut their core employee base in the near future.

According to International Paper Mill Communications Manager Jessica Morris, there have been some rough spots for the company, but its Pensacola plant is expected to remain the same.

“There have been some cutbacks and closures in other areas, but we don’t expect any layoffs at this location,” she says.

For Solutia, more than 100 contractors have recently been terminated, but those working under the company have not been affected, according to company spokesperson Melissa Hammonds.

“We look at ensuring our inventory is balanced with market demand,” Hammonds says. “That’s why we’ve taken these steps(to remove contractors). As far as the future, I certainly wouldn’t be one to predict. We’ll continue to evaluate the situation.”
