Mayor pushes council to decide about its staff

Though the Pensacola City Council eventually decided to place the mayoral add-on onto its agenda for Wednesday, some members initially raised concerns about the request to layout designs for future staffing needs.

Newly-elected council President Charles Bare told his fellow members that the request from Mayor Ashton Hayward “really kinda pushes us.”

“I’m just concerned about this,” Bare said. “In essence what this is asking us to do is take action and bind ourselves based on a request from the mayor’s office.”

The council recently brought aboard a new council executive, and is currently in the process of determining its other staffing needs. Some members bristled at the prospect of the mayor in some way driving the process.

City Administrator Eric Olson said the mayor’s request “was to know your intent for your other staffing.”

As worded, the add-on is a “request” that council “determine its current staffing requirements at its January 2016 Council Meeting.” City PIO Vernon Stewart later clarified the item was a discussion item, as opposed to an action item, and that the request was for the council to discuss determining its staffing needs by January.

Enough of the council expressed interest Monday in having such a discussion on Wednesday to place the item on the regular agenda.

“I think it’s a valuable opportunity for us to have a discussion,” said Councilman Brian Spencer. “We all benefit from having an open discussion about what our staffing needs are.”

The city council’s regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 5:30 at Pensacola City Hall.

See December Council Discussion Item