What have Pensacola fire chiefs heard from city about report

“Nada…zilch….nothing!” said Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover. The Pensacola firefighter has been on paid administrative leave for officially three months as of today.

Mayor Ashton Hayward ordered an investigation of unspecified complaints against Glover and his boss, Interim Fire Chief Matt Schmitt, and placed the men on nine consecutive 10-day administrative leaves that began on Feb. 2. Prior to the investigation and leaves, the leaders had filed separate EEOC complaints against City Administrator Eric Olson and Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson.

The public has been given conflicting information whether the investigation is connected to the EEOC complaints, although the city has deleted the links to the 1620 interviews with Olson and Assistant Administrator Keith Wilkins from its “Transparent Pensacola” page (See earlier post).

On Friday, Hayward received the final report from his law firm, Beggs & Lane. As of 3:30 p.m. today, the mayor had not sent a copy of the report to Schmitt, Glover or their attorneys.

During his weekly appearances on 1620 AM last week, Mayor Hayward has repeatedly said he want to wrap up this situation so the city can move forward. On April 13, he said, “It’s important for us as a community and a city to move forward.”

Not today apparently…but we still have an hour before 5 p.m.
