North Port, Fla. also has few performance evaluations

The Sarasota Herald Tribune reports that North Port’s assistant city manager, police chief, fire chief, economic development coordinator and five of its department directors have not received written performance evaluations in years. Their salaries total close to $1 million this year. Read more.

Last week, Inweekly made a public record request for the last job performance evaluations for 31 employees listed on the city’s website. Three of the employees listed on no longer worked for the city. Only one employee had a job performance evaluation more recent than 2011–Tom Lucia who received his last evaluation on Feb. 24, 2012.

Many of the employees in the mayor’s office have never been evaluated. Several employees received promotions and raises since 2011 without any written performance evaluation tied to the changes.

The City’s HR manual states that performance evaluation shall be done by supervisors on an annually on the anniversary of entry into the person’s job classification. It recommends “new employees should be introduced to the rating criteria within the first two weeks of employment. Supervisors should use this time to explain specific responsibilities and expectations so there are no surprises when the first evaluation occurs.”

Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson declined an interview with the newspaper. He has headed the city’s HR department since February 2014.

The salaries of the city employee sample that we received last week total nearly $2 million.

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The City’s HR manual states that performance evaluation shall be done by supervisors on an annually on the anniversary of entry into the person’s job classification. It recommends that “new employees should be introduced to the rating criteria within the first two weeks of employment. Supervisors should use this time to explain specific responsibilities and expectations so there are no surprises when the first evaluation occurs.”

Inweekly has requested the job performance evaluations for the remaining employees listed on the city’s website. We will post that information when we receive it.
