Wilcox coming to Pensacola Tuesday

Todd Wilcox, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, today announced a statewide tour aimed at discussing national security with Floridians. The three-day tour, “Preserving Peace through Strength,” will make stops in Tampa, Pensacola, Tallahassee, Amelia Island and Jacksonville this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

“As we approach this historic election, we must examine the context of our current US foreign policy and national security strategy within which our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are serving,” said Wilcox. “The unspeakable act of terror in my hometown this weekend remains on the forefront of concern this week for all of us and my hope is that this previously scheduled series of events serves as an opportunity to have thoughtful dialogue with Veterans, GOP activists, community leaders, concerned Floridians and business owners about the impact our nation’s foreign policy has on our safety and security here at home.”

“Preserving Peace through Strength” Tour Schedule – Pensacola stop:

Tuesday, June 14

Team Wilcox Meet & Greet
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (CT)
The Fish House
600 S Barracks Street, Pensacola

Escambia Republican Executive Committee Meeting
6:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT)
West Florida Regional Library
239 N Spring Street, Pensacola

Wilcox sent out this message yesterday in the Orlando shooting:


In the wake of yesterday’s massacre in my hometown of Orlando, the urge to make sense of something so senseless is all too common. The devastating fact is this: there are terrorists in this world who hide behind the twisted vale of radical Islamic ideology in pursuit of death and destruction. Because of this, today we mourn the loss of 50 lives that had value, 50 souls that had hope, promising young people with limitless futures. Because of this, today we pray for the recovery of those injured, those impacted and the families who’ve been forced to endure the unspeakable.

We are dealing with an enemy that places no value on life, an enemy that represents the absolute worst of humanity. Whether instructed by ISIS or merely inspired by their teachings, the result is just as horrific: the slaughter of 50 people on American soil in the name of radical Islamic ideology is an act of war. We as a nation must demand our leaders take this fight to the monsters whose mission it is to wipe us off the face of the earth. How many more tragedies should we endure; how many more lives should we mourn before this Administration gets serious about eliminating ISIS?

My heart aches for the parents who are grieving today. It is an unimaginable fate no parent should ever experience and I believe, we as a nation have a responsibility to take the necessary actions to bring an end to this terror. This is no longer happening on the other side of the world. This isn’t happening in a country whose name many couldn’t even pronounce. They have brought this war to America, to Florida, to Orlando. This is as real as it gets and it’s time President Obama and Congress fulfill their responsibility to protect the American people.

